Abstract: Agent paradigm is becoming more and more popular in design of complex multi-robot systems. Similarities between features attributed to robots and agents lead to defining an agent as a single robot control program or even calling a robot an “embodied agents”. This approach can cause serious issues concerning scalability, extensibility and performance of large-scale multi-robot systems. In this paper a different approach to design and implementation of software systems managing mobile robots is presented. It is based on the logical separation of a hardware robot and a software agent. The paper focuses on improvements in system performance achieved by using…the approach. Three exemplary applications are described and experimental results are provided.
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Abstract: In the paper we describe the process of development and verification of the novel traffic simulation method based on a credible driver model. The model is based on the actions of real drivers recorded in series of experiments. The developed simulation method reflects the unpredictable and totally individual characteristics of individual drivers. We show that the characteristics is a very significant factor in overall traffic efficiency. We believe that our credible driver model may become a basis for novel traffic management systems and active-safety mechanisms installed in the vehicles.
Abstract: Multi-agent approach is very popular for modelling and simulation of complex phenomena, design and programming of decentralised computing systems. Asynchronous beings, which do not share state but communicate using messages are a convenient abstraction for representing various phenomena observed in the real world. When the number of the considered agents grows, the designers and developers of such systems must address the problem of performance. Introducing distribution is often a weapon of choice, which, however, does not guarantee obtaining proper scalability and efficiency. The intensity of communication in a large-scale agent-based system can easily exceed the abilities of a distributed hardware…architecture, leading to poor performance. After analysing various distributed agent-based systems, we identified several reasons for limited performance and several architectural solutions, which can help overcoming this problem. The main aim of the presented work is identification and systematization of these architectural solutions in the form of design patterns. As a result, we propose three new design patterns for building scalable distributed agent-based systems. A systematic description of their aims, structure, variants and features is provided, together with examples of applications.
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Abstract: Solving difficult, usually NP-hard problems, requires metaheuristic-based approach. Such algorithms are very often demanding from the point of view of computational power. Therefore various approaches to parallelize or distribute such systems were made. Many of such algorithms are structurally very easy to parallelize, e.g. evolutionary ones. However, swarm computing algorithms, in particular ACO (Ant Colony Optimization), in order to be implemented properly must use a significant amount of global knowledge (pheromones matrix). Therefore strict parallelization/distribution strategies for ACO are difficult to work-out. In the presented paper we propose a novel approach for parallelization and distribution of the most important element…of ACO, namely the pheromone table. Our prototype implementation is tested on a real-world HPC (High Performance Computing) infrastructure, with good observed scalability. At the end of this paper we present actual experimental results focusing on two class of problems, namely TSP (Travelling Salesman Problem) and VRPTW (Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows), using popular benchmarks.
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Keywords: parallel and distributed computing, ant colony optimization, swarm intelligence, high performance computing